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Grant Application Forms

Evergreen Academy OPT Staff Grant Program

The Evergreen Academy OPT is pleased to continue our Staff Grant Program. Staff grants can be used to help fund special programs, projects, items, and/or events that benefit individual classes, grades, students, teachers and staff. Applications will be accepted year-round and should be submitted in hard copy format to the OPT Mailbox in the Front Office. Upon submission, the requestor will receive an email confirmation that the application has been received. Barring questions, the requestor will receive an answer to their request within two weeks of submission. If you have any questions, please contact the OPT President at


  • Goal: Fund special programs, projects, items, and/or events that benefit individual classes, grades, students, teachers and staff.

  • Who Can Apply:  All Evergreen Academy teachers and staff, individually or as a group.

  • How to Apply: Download the Grant Application Form, complete in its entirety, return completed form to the OPT mailbox in the Front Office

  • What Funds Can Be Used For: Funds may be used for materials, books, programs, resources, or services requested in your application. If you have questions about your request qualifying, don't hesitate to email

  • Approval Process: Upon receipt of your completed grant application, the Board of Director’s will review and provide you with a response within two weeks of application submission. Questions may need to be asked of the requestor, which could effect approval time.

  • To Receive Funding: Once your request has been approved by the OPT Board of Director’s, requestors can make purchases up to the amount they have been approved for. To receive approved funding, requestors can either:


  1. Pay using personal fund, save receipts, and request reimbursement from the OPT using the General Reimbursement Form;

  2. Work directly with the OPT to have expenses paid for directly by the Treasurer or the President


TIPS for completing the grant application:


  • Answer all questions on the form clearly and with as much detail as possible.

  • Specify an estimate timeline of when your project will be completed.



NOTE: All items purchased with grant funding become the property of Evergreen Academy.


Ex: Items purchased for a specific staff member’s use will remain with the staff member so long as they remain at Evergreen Academy. Should the owner leave the school, items will be turned over to the principal for reallocation. Items purchased to support a grade level will remain with that grade level regardless of future grade level assignments of the grant requestor.

© 2021 by Evergreen Academy OPT. Created with

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